Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, shemesh_location_address, Online ordering url
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Mon, Mar 27 2023, 9:00 AM
Dispose of your old benchers, siddurim and other items
Modiin Illit, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, Online ordering url, shemesh_location_address
Center for everything related to 'Sheimos' (Geniza)
Devora Hanevia, RBS G-2, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, shemesh_location_address, Online ordering url
20 Rabbi Elazar, RBS B, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, shemesh_location_address, Online ordering url
12 Ribal, RBS B, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, Online ordering url, shemesh_location_address
Nachal Shacham, RBS A, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, Online ordering url, shemesh_location_address
24 Rabbi Yehoshua, RBS B, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, Online ordering url, shemesh_location_address
1 Tiferet Moshe, Bet Shemesh, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, Online ordering url, shemesh_location_address
Yechezkel Hanavi, RBS G-1, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, shemesh_location_address, Online ordering url
51 Ribal, RBS B, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, shemesh_location_address, Online ordering url
4 Nachal Gilo, RBS A, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, shemesh_location_address, Online ordering url
2 Harav Mibrisk, Kiryah Chareidit, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, Online ordering url, shemesh_location_address
43 Nachal Dolev, RBS A, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, Online ordering url, shemesh_location_address
6 Hillel, RBS B, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, Online ordering url, shemesh_location_address
16 Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakai, RBS B, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, Online ordering url, shemesh_location_address
25 Sfat Emet, Kiryah Chareidit, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, shemesh_location_address, Online ordering url
25 Nachal Sorek, RBS A, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, shemesh_location_address, Online ordering url
6 HaAdmor Mi-Belz, RBS B, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, shemesh_location_address, Online ordering url
6 Bar Ilan, Givat Sharett, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, shemesh_location_address, Online ordering url
16 הרב ישראל גרוסמן, Ramat Avraham, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, shemesh_location_address, Online ordering url
Dover Shalom, RBS B, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, Online ordering url, shemesh_location_address
8 Ben Azai, Kiryah Chareidit, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, Online ordering url, shemesh_location_address
68 Ben Ish Chai, Kne Bosem/Cheftziba, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, Online ordering url, shemesh_location_address
Ben Ish Chai, Kne Bosem/Cheftziba, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, Online ordering url, shemesh_location_address
37 Nachal Ein Gedi, RBS A, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, shemesh_location_address, Online ordering url
In the Women's section.
17 Shivtei Yisrael, Sheinfeld, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, shemesh_location_address, Online ordering url
Inside the Bet Knesset.
Collection of Sifrei Kodesh - Jewish holy books
Shivtei Yisrael, Sheinfeld, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, shemesh_location_address, Online ordering url
Abaye, RBS D, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, shemesh_location_address, Online ordering url
15 Hanavi Ovadia, RBS G-2, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Religious Services, Geniza, Community, Category, publishing_status, Online ordering url, shemesh_location_address