
Participate in Beit Shemesh Nature Survey
Wed, May 15 2019, 8:00 AM

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 On April 3, 2019, a residents' meeting took place in the Beit Shemesh Municipality Building to familiarize them with the nature survey recently conducted by the Environmental Protection Unit.
Mayor Aliza Bloch and City Councilman and Environmental Commissioner Zvi Wolicki, led the meeting and congratulated the participants on their attendance. Wolicki stated that the greater the residents participation, greater weight will be given to the survey data for future urban planning.

Survey Goals:
- To create a picture of the city's natural infrastructures through field surveys of plants and animals and to examine the existing natural systems.   
- To build  an up-to-date database of the city's natural systems and integrate it into the municipal information system.
- To design a plan for the planning, preservation and management of nature infrastructures in the city.

The survey collects and presents many findings on birds, mammals, bats, reptiles, unique plant species, archaeology, buildings remains, caves, water cisterns and even mosaics and refuse sites.

The participants at the meeting were presented with a link to the survey on the municipality's website. The more people to participate in the survey, the better the results will be for the whole city. Click here to be part of the survey and preserve nature in Beit Shemesh!

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