
Bake Your Own Shmura Matzah at Yeshivat Lev Hatorah for Families, Groups and Chaburot

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The Lev HaTorah Matzah Factory

The Matzah factory will be open from Thursday April 4th at 11am to Thursday April 18th at 9pm.

Location: Yeshivat Lev HaTorah: Nachal Ein Gedi St 37, Ramat Bet Shemesh

• The family slot is designated for private families up to 10 family members. The slot is designated for an hour, in which two rounds of half kilos can be completed. In general this should yield 5-8 matzot a round, or with a gomer, 8-11 Matzot a round.

• Ages: All ages are welcome to come, as long as kids are supervised. The actual making of the Matzot will only be done by adults (or teens from ages 13-14 and up). The younger kids will have involvement with the process and feel part of it too.
• All Matzot are wrapped up in proper paper and boxes.
• The cost for a hour is 750 shekel + VAT, Payment can be made by CC, check, or bank transfer.
• Each Chabura has an on-site mashgiach, one who runs the oven, and a general professional helper.
• The option for a “Gomer” (a person who puts the finishing touch on the Matzot that you shaped and makes them look professional) costs 100 shekel per hour. This must be pre-ordered in advance.
Click to reserve your spot: https://sheme.sh/Matzabake24

• Every Chaburah consists of 8 – 16 people. A Chabura is for 3 hours, approx. 6 rounds of half kilos of flour. One round yields approx. 10 Matzot (depending on a lot of factors). All Matzot are wrapped up in proper paper and boxes.
• Payment can be made by CC, check, or bank transfer. Each Chabura has an on-site Mashgiach, one who runs the oven, and a general professional helper.
To make a reservation please WhatsApp or Call: 050-709-4441

• For larger Yeshiva and Seminary Groups, we can run shifts of chaburot and fit up to 36 people within 3 hours. We can offer a full court basketball court, classrooms, and help plan a very nice day in Beit Shemesh, in order for the group to go in shifts. (All of the above would need prior arrangement)
• All Matzot are wrapped up in proper paper and boxes.
• Payment can be made by CC, check, or bank transfer.
• Each Chabura has an on-site mashgiach, one who runs the oven, and a general professional helper.

To make a reservation, please WhatsApp or Call: 050-709-4441


Thu, Apr 04 2024, 11:00 AM


Thu, Apr 18 2024, 9:00 PM

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