
Safety Guidelines for Shopping Online
Sun, Aug 02 2020, 9:00 AM

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Right now there are many great deals to be found online, as many people prefer to stay safe inside during Corona and shop online. Before you whip out your credit card, make sure that you are following these basic rules for safe online shopping.

Before You Shop

Your computer and software needs to be prepped.

Your browser and all applications should be up to date on the latest versions. In addition, your security software should include one anti-virus software as well as a reliable firewall.

Your password needs to be hard to guess and have at least 12 characters including a combination of capital letters, lower-cased letters, numbers, and special characters. Never use the same password for multiple sites, and use a two-step verification whenever possible.

Don’t use free wireless networks - always wait until you reach a place where you know that the Wi-Fi connections secure. Only purchase from credible and reputable shopping sites - they are usually secure and safe to use.

When You’re Buying

When possible always make your purchases on apps or stores.

Web criminals create sites that look like popular sites such as Amazon, eBay and others, so they can "steal" your personal information. Mobile device criminals also create malicious apps to exploit buyers' mistakes when they are searching for official apps. These apps are designed to trick users into entering credit information or downloading malware that steal personal information.

Browse store sites directly from your browser - do not enter them by clicking on links. Google search will take you to the original sites and not fake sophisticated versions. If you have reached the site through an advertisement, make sure that the URL is correct.

Download apps only from official stores like Google Play or Apple App Store. Before downloading, check the application details, the brand name, developers, and other details.

Before You Pay

Before you fill out your credit card number, check the address bar of your browser. Alongside the regular URL (http), on a secure site will also appear the English S (https).

New sites will also show the caption at the beginning of the line in green. Another sign will be in the form of a closed lock that appears in the address bar or at the bottom of the page.

Use alternatives instead of a of a credit card. You can a use secure electronic wallet services, which make it possible to make a purchase or receive payments on the Internet without disclosing any financial information related to the account. Or you can use a prepaid credit card

Your Purchase is Complete. What Now?

Avoid opening suspicious-looking emails (a subject that is not necessarily related to the sender, strange spelling mistakes). Do not open files attached to any message, even if they look innocent. Do not click on links in the body of the message or in a suspicious post - open a browser window and go directly to the desired address.

Do not provide personal and financial information if you are asked for it in an email or in message that comes to you or through social media.

While browsing sites, do not respond to suspicious Pop-Ups asking you for your private information or promising you a gift. If you answer a question or a short survey, close them immediately.

If it looks too good to be true ... it probably is not!

Check your bank account. Keep receipts and periodically go through your credit card accounts to ensure that no unusual actions or charges were made. If you find any transactions you did not make in the billing, report it immediately to your credit card company. Set up alerts with your credit card company or bank so that you receive a message or email about each purchase made on your credit card.

Set alerts for purchases that total a certain amount to protect against multiple purchases made for small amounts.

Set alerts on purchases made abroad.

This article is brought to you by Osher Computers, we provide support and service for all of your tech needs.


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